Thank God Black Friday weekend is over!!!

How was everyone's Thanksgiving? Was it fabulous? Did you gorge yourself on turkey and mashed potatoes and casserole then prop your feet up and watch some football? Or did you slave away all morning only to be too tired to eat then have to go out and get your kid that one expensive gift that is only on sale for the next 2 hours? Yeah, that was me. I braved the stores after cooking all morning, missed half of my football game (it's okay, we lost anyways) and I can now say I am done Christmas shopping. I may need one more thing but it's something that will always be at the store and isn't going anywhere any time soon.

My son is still little. I could have bought him anything and he would more than likely like it. Luckily I didn't have to go for any of those toys that every other mother wanted. And God forbid if I wanted a flat screen. Did you see the lines at Best Buy?? Forget that. The only problem I ran into was that Toys R Us didn't price check for the weekend and everyone brought their entire family.

Now that we've made it through the big shopping weekend we just have to make it through the New Year because unfortunately for us the commercials will not end until January is over. I am already burned out on store commercials talking about Christmas and prices and blah blah blah. Tis the season where the commercials run longer than the show. I think for the rest of the year I'm going to stick with books. They don't yell at me to buy things I don't need. My two year old does that enough. 


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