One more month to go!
One more month to go and I'll have a beautiful baby girl in my arms instead of in my body. I swear every time she moves it looks like something from Alien trying to escape and it feels like an arm or a leg might actually make its way out. Oh well, it's almost time for her to come out. It's also time for my other little one to start preschool! I can't tell you how excited I am that for three full days a week I will be able to drop my son off, come home with a sleeping newborn and work. FINALLY! I will be able to read the stack of books I have piling up and I will be able to get some work on the new book down on paper instead of just in my head and, best of all, I have some new shorts I will be able to post. Oh the joy of being able to do something for myself, even if it's only for an hour. Plus once the baby's out I will be able to write and not get weepy and emotional because that is getting old. I can't even watch television without the commercials making me misty eyed. I'm ready to not be pregnant anymore and to get back to doing what I love; reading, writing and receiving rejections from agents. I don't love the rejections but every one of them is a step closer to finding the right agent.
I'll have a story or two for you soon. I'm thinking I should make the best of my mood swings while I still have them :)
I'll have a story or two for you soon. I'm thinking I should make the best of my mood swings while I still have them :)
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