Starting all over again...
Hello again, my darlings!
I'm kidding - how the hell are ya? Good? Great. So, as you know, I am now an agented writer, not published yet but I'll get there, and things have been busy. Editing the book, working on the next two books, feeding the children, driving and spending way more time in L.A. traffic than I want to. It is a wonderful busy! I am terrified and excited at the idea that sometime next year you could be reading my novel. And while editing and writing and learning how to tweet (Lord, kill me now) I am trying to get out of the house more and make friends in the writing industry. Lucky me, I have managed to make a friend who is helping me navigate in this alien world. She is amazing and I call her my techie guru. Well, I wrote about YALLWEST and how awesome that was, and Tuesday evening we went to a book signing for John Corey Whaley's new book Highly Illogical Behavior. Bought it, had it signed by the very sweet and lovable author, and I am waiting for the opportunity to crack it open and devour. It was a wonderful evening filled with charming people.
Like I said when I blogged about YALLWEST, this world of writers is very much like being in the world of theater performers. While it is fabulous and meeting these famous authors is, well, not quite the same as running into Alice Cooper at the mall, it is very cool. But, like everything, there is a dark side. I haven't seen it but I know it is there, lurking, waiting to rear its ugly head. Like most human beings that gather into groups, that large group gets divided into smaller groups, which usually have their own hierarchy, and they are called cliques. It's inevitable. When I saw this I realized that breaking into writing and publishing was going to be like transferring to a new high school. I am probably going to have to figure out where I fit. Not a jock, not a cheerleader, not even really that book smart. But I am jumping ahead of myself. I should probably get published first, right? No need to rush these things. More than likely, I can remain my old hermit self, but if need be, I can be sociable. I wasn't unpopular in high school. I was a drama nerd, granted, but lucky for me the popular kids in school were all in the same AP courses I took. Magnet school, what did you expect? If it turns out I have lost the ability to function like a normal human being I can always use my kids as an excuse to never go to anything :) Ah, the joys of motherhood!
I think the hardest part for me is knowing that I am going to have to open up and go outside my comfort zones and meet new people. I hate it. Not because I dislike people (thought sometimes I really do) but I am terrible at names. Faces, I got. I can always remember a face, but names I am horrible with. There are still people I see every week at church and I couldn't tell you their name if my life depended on it. Sad, I know. I have oatmeal brain. It happens when you have children. It also happens when you are a germaphobe and have to watch helplessly as your kid eats that Cheez It off the dirty floor. I think about cleaning all the time. No Joke.
I don't really know where I was going with this. Maybe it's just the nerves talking. I am grateful for my new friend who is also a writer! When her book is published and for sale you better believe I will be pushing that shit like crack. But yeah, good things are happening and I am ready for the journey. Don't worry. I'll be taking you with me :)
I'm kidding - how the hell are ya? Good? Great. So, as you know, I am now an agented writer, not published yet but I'll get there, and things have been busy. Editing the book, working on the next two books, feeding the children, driving and spending way more time in L.A. traffic than I want to. It is a wonderful busy! I am terrified and excited at the idea that sometime next year you could be reading my novel. And while editing and writing and learning how to tweet (Lord, kill me now) I am trying to get out of the house more and make friends in the writing industry. Lucky me, I have managed to make a friend who is helping me navigate in this alien world. She is amazing and I call her my techie guru. Well, I wrote about YALLWEST and how awesome that was, and Tuesday evening we went to a book signing for John Corey Whaley's new book Highly Illogical Behavior. Bought it, had it signed by the very sweet and lovable author, and I am waiting for the opportunity to crack it open and devour. It was a wonderful evening filled with charming people.
Like I said when I blogged about YALLWEST, this world of writers is very much like being in the world of theater performers. While it is fabulous and meeting these famous authors is, well, not quite the same as running into Alice Cooper at the mall, it is very cool. But, like everything, there is a dark side. I haven't seen it but I know it is there, lurking, waiting to rear its ugly head. Like most human beings that gather into groups, that large group gets divided into smaller groups, which usually have their own hierarchy, and they are called cliques. It's inevitable. When I saw this I realized that breaking into writing and publishing was going to be like transferring to a new high school. I am probably going to have to figure out where I fit. Not a jock, not a cheerleader, not even really that book smart. But I am jumping ahead of myself. I should probably get published first, right? No need to rush these things. More than likely, I can remain my old hermit self, but if need be, I can be sociable. I wasn't unpopular in high school. I was a drama nerd, granted, but lucky for me the popular kids in school were all in the same AP courses I took. Magnet school, what did you expect? If it turns out I have lost the ability to function like a normal human being I can always use my kids as an excuse to never go to anything :) Ah, the joys of motherhood!
I think the hardest part for me is knowing that I am going to have to open up and go outside my comfort zones and meet new people. I hate it. Not because I dislike people (thought sometimes I really do) but I am terrible at names. Faces, I got. I can always remember a face, but names I am horrible with. There are still people I see every week at church and I couldn't tell you their name if my life depended on it. Sad, I know. I have oatmeal brain. It happens when you have children. It also happens when you are a germaphobe and have to watch helplessly as your kid eats that Cheez It off the dirty floor. I think about cleaning all the time. No Joke.
I don't really know where I was going with this. Maybe it's just the nerves talking. I am grateful for my new friend who is also a writer! When her book is published and for sale you better believe I will be pushing that shit like crack. But yeah, good things are happening and I am ready for the journey. Don't worry. I'll be taking you with me :)
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