So many movies, so little time

Alright, it’s finally October so can I talk about Halloween movies now??

Let me preface this by saying that I am not a fan of Michael Myers. I’m just not and no matter how many sequels or remakes there are I’m never going to like him. I also don’t like any of the Friday the 13ths or any gore porn (that would be Hostel and other films of that persuasion.) I like a good story. I’m a writer of course I like a good story, which means I usually end up watching the classics. It’s hard to find a horror flick nowadays that has a great story mixed with eerie graphics and an ending I didn’t see coming from ten miles away. But I am not a snob when it comes to movies either. I like blow ‘em up dude movies just as much as the next person. That being said, here is my Halloween list. You’re going to see a lot of John Carpenter. A lot. I don’t really care if you agree or like it – it’s my list – and if you have any scary films I should know about leave me a message at the beep.

Beep . . .

Halloween Must Sees:

1.       In the Mouth of Madness – I LOVE this freaking movie! It has a fantastic plot line and if you’re a fan of Stephen King this film pokes fun at him in the best way possible. It also has a great cast. If you don’t believe me it has Charlton Heston in it – let me say that again – Charlton Heston. Watch it, you’ll love it.
2.      The Thing – John Carpenter’s remake with Kurt Russel. This movie used to scare the crap out of me when I was a kid. When the head grows legs? It’s disgusting and awesome.
3.      The Haunting – the original. I like the remake too but it doesn’t have the same feel. The original film feels like the book. You’re creeped out but you don’t know why because it doesn’t feel like much is happening. Then it’s over and you’re left wondering at the ending and feeling like someone is down the hall watching you as you watch the credits.
4.      Halloween 3: Season of the Witch – I know I said I hate Michael Myers but the third Halloween is Myers free. It has Tom Atkins, robots, witches and Stone Henge (possibly the best henge in the world!) How can anything get much better?
5.      The Fog – obviously the original by John Carpenter. Once again it has Tom Atkins (that’s how you know it’s an epic cheesy horror flick!) and this time Tom is fighting ghost pirates with Jamie Lee Curtis and her mother Janet Leigh by his side. It has a lot of faces you’ll recognize and though it may be cheesy it is still creepy. And as other John Carpenter fans will know the soundtrack really makes the movie.
6.      Prince of Darkness – another John Carpenter film. Don’t roll your eyes I warned you there would be a lot of him here! I’m not going to say much other than watch it. A lot of actors you’ll recognize, great story, and Alice Cooper kills somebody. That’s all I’m going to say.
7.      Poltergeist – This is a great. Everyone has seen it, if you haven’t where the hell have you been the past twenty years? The clown used to give me nightmares . . . sometimes it still does.
8.      IT – speaking of clowns . . . do I really have to say anything?
9.      Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors – I grew up watching Freddy. He’s scary, hilarious, and this movie still makes me uncomfortable when I have to turn the lights out.
10.   House on Haunted Hill – the original with Vincent Price but the remake is awesome as well. I love Vincent Price and will watch anything he is in and this movie has to be one of my favorites. The dialogue is witty and nuanced, the story is vague and exciting and the ending, for those of you who have never seen it, is unexpected. I have to say this is one of my all time favorite movies. I won’t give away any spoilers but God I want to!
11.    Night of the Living Dead – now I know I’m going to get hell for this but I prefer the remake. It’s the one I grew up watching plus I love Tony Todd. (Candyman should be on here but I’m trying to keep the list short. I said trying get off my back.)
12.   The Mummy – gotta love Boris Karloff and everything that wonderful man made.
13.   Hellraiser – I love all of these movies, I love the book by Clive Barker and one of these days I’m going to get a Japanese puzzle box that looks like the box in the movie and then be scared of it forever even though I know there is no doorway to Pinhead in it. At least I hope there won’t be. It won’t matter. I won’t touch it. Ever.
14.   Re-Animator – I couldn’t have a Halloween list and not have a Jeffrey Combs film on it and this one is awesome and of course is set at Miskatonic University.
15.   Sinister – scared the hell out of me. Seriously. I had trouble sleeping and not seeing that creepy face. It was like the first time I saw The Exorcist.
16.   Freaks – I don’t know too many people who love this movie but I do. If you like black and white films where circus performers ban together to kill then this film is for you.

So that is my list. I have to admit that I feel like I left so many great films out (like Rosemary’s Baby or The Tingler.) Before Halloween rolls around I may end up posting a continuation. And if you’re looking for a scary novel for the season check out Blatty’s The Exorcist, King’s The Shining or Barker’s The Hellbound Heart


  1. Thats my girl ... great movies!!!

  2. I think you forgot "Zombie Strippers".

    1. I realize now that I should have added Demon Knight or Return of the Living Dead (maybe even Troll 2 or Dead Alive) for some really cheesy awesomeness, but Zombie Strippers? Saggy, dead and possibly decomposing boobs? I'll pass.

  3. Dead Alive ... someones arm looked, smelled, and probably tasted like a cheese burger. You MUST also include "Night of the Creeps", Thrill me...

    1. If we add Night of the Creeps we have to add Night of the Comet too

  4. And let us never forget the classic "Vacation in Denver for attack of the Cheese Burger". Plot Line: "If it would have been a hot dog it would have put my eye out!".


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