There's no time to be sick like the holidays

When your child gets sick, everything (almost) comes to a stop. Inevitably, the rest of the household falls right in line and each take their turn feeling like crap. So that's what we've been doing in our household this past week. Being sickly. Sounds fun, right? That of course meant that the continuation of a Merry Gathering got put on hold but I promise it will resume this Thursday with Chapter 6: Mary, Mary Quite Contrary. You will finally get to see what became of Gabe after he was taken by "Lola" and learn a little more about the manor and why every corner seems to harbor a ghost.

Good luck in your Christmas shopping and baking and whatever else you may have planned! Don't forget to breath - this is the season for freaking out and of course, joy.

Until Thursday then :)


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